Tuesday, March 25, 2025
"think safe … think ahead"

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Safety In A Box

The Safety in a Box™ starter kit is a 10 step safety system that includes the complete package of forms,cards, logbooks and guidebook required to increase jobsite safety and adhere to OHS legislation.


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Safety In A Box ™ helps companies understand and meet their health, safety and legal obligations as well as mitigate any potential liabilities. This innovative, affordable, field-ready product gives you the knowledge and resources to keep your small and medium job sites compliant and safe.

Simply open the box, follow the User Guide, and you’re on your way to a safer, healthier workplace.


Innovative, Affordable, Field Ready

Works for Companies of all Sizes

Safety in a Box™ has been geared for businesses of all sizes to cover key safety requirements in an easy, practical and user friendly way. Simply follow the User Guide which explains in easy terms, the order of use, necessity, and how to fill the forms in. The kit also includes basic Safety standards as well as many of the forms, logbooks and cards required to meet Alberta OHS Legislation.

The Safety in a Box™ system helps:

  • new companies that are building a full safety management system
  • small budget companies prevent incidents that could cost upwards of a quarter of a million dollars
  • enable employers, with little or no training, to implement a safety program on the job site in less than 2 hours
  • provide support for employees, that are terrified of injuries and fines, in just days

Get Safety-In-A-Box Today

The Safety Management Starter Kit is more than booklets and forms. It’s a process that includes documentation, implementation, communication and training that is done on a regular basis to ensure your workplace is functioning efficiently while keeping your workers safe and healthy.

“ACSA and Safety Ahead designed Safety in a Box™ so it would meet the needs of a wide range of companies… ACSA has ensured all forms, log books, and NCR booklets meet Certificate of Recognition (COR) standards and are acceptable for the Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) program as well as the COR program.”


Get COR & Reduce WCB Payments



Safety in a Box™ comes complete with all the forms and logbooks required to set up and run your own safety program.

Easy to implement

All materials have been developed for maximum simplicity and ease of use – even a beginner can use it successfully.


Save time and money versus hiring Safety Officers and other safety experts to set up your on-site safety program. Safety in a Box™ is a one-step blueprint for a complete safety program.


Who needs Safety-In-A-Box?

You’ve made the commitment and taken a leap of faith in starting your own company. You have the skills, you are knowledgeable about your field, but there are many challenges with starting a new business. There are also many standards and legal obligations that affect your business such as the Labour code, Tax laws, WCB obligations, business licensing and insurance, Payroll, benefits and managing employees if you hire. You will also be involved in finding suppliers and purchasing and negotiating payment for supplies and payment for your services from clients.

Often Safety is one of the most important aspects of business that gets overlooked. However the consequences can be catastrophic.

If there was a serious injury or fatality on your worksite, in some provinces, a first offence could garner up to $500,000 fine and possible jail time. If there is no cooperation with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety after this first fine, they can then slap an additional fine upwards of $1,000,000. For any new company, those financial costs would be devastating, if not lead to bankruptcy.

Safety in a Box ® is a Safety Management Starter kit with 10 Steps to getting an easy and efficient Safety system started. It helps companies understand and meet their health, safety and legal obligations as well as mitigate potential liabilities. It comes complete with all the forms and logbooks required to set up and run your own safety program. All of the materials have been developed for maximum simplicity and ease of use. Even a beginner can use it successfully. It is a blueprint for a complete Safety Program.

Fear tactics with fines and jail time is not the goal here, the most important thing to remember is keeping yourself and your workers safe and injury free so you can both go home to your families at the end of the day.

Trying to develop these forms yourself can be a very challenging and costly. Using Safety In A Box ® will save you time and money. . Using the Safety In A Box ® program provides construction related companies an easy way to promote safety and stay in compliance with the OHS record keeping and identification requirements.

Safety In A Box ® is a complete package that will help you to meet the OHS requirements and will give you everything that you need to set up and manage an effective safety program for your company. We also have packages to assist the companies that don’t want to do it alone.

The Safety In A Box ® starter kit comes complete with the field ready forms, cards, logbooks and user guide required to follow the OHS Legislation. Simply open the box, follow the user guide, and you’re on your way to a safer, healthier workplace.


You believe in your company and in following the rules and regulations that exist to keep you and your employees safe on the job. That is why you invested in a Safety Program. But you have often wondered if, as a few years have passed, is it still up to date? You’ve thought maybe there have been some changes in legislation, or maybe some of the scope of work you do has changed over the years, maybe the equipment has changed, or maybe you have doubled your workforce in the last few years.

Continuous improvement in your company leads to better bottom lines, you know this from experience. This also applies to your Safety Program. As things in the company change, so should your safety program. Continuously improving your systems and processes is a way for your company to move forward, but these changes need to be efficient and cost effective.

Safety in a Box ® can assist with streamlining the process you use for Safety in your business.

It is more than just booklets and forms; it is a process that includes documentation, implementation, communication and training. The Safety In A Box ® program is an excellent way to ensure your workplace is functioning efficiently in maintaining a safe work environment for your employees.

Safety in a Box ® will allow your company to:

Maintain and expand safety standards, knowing from your heart, that you are building a solid reputation that you care about your people.

Take the lead and set the example with the attitude of power, safety and responsibility

Stay current and informed about how to maintain control, meet legislation and be aware of circumstances that could get in the way of staying safe.

Safety in a Box ® will save time as developing effective safety documents is a timely process. It is easy to use as each Safety in a Box ® comes with and easy to read User Guide that explains the process and shows you how to complete the information.

Save time, the documents in the kit work together as key components to help in the success of your Safety Management System and will accelerate your business towards Safety Excellence!

Save time, the documents in the kit work together as key components to help in the success of your Safety Management System and will accelerate your business towards Safety Excellence!


You’re looking to increase the number of projects that your company is doing. And you want to get in on the ground floor of some bigger projects or maybe even a municipal construction projects. You have checked out some bid sites and you see that in order to even bid on some of these desirable jobs you need your C.O.R.

C.O.R. is a program that has been developed by WCB through Partnerships in Injury Reduction. PIR is a voluntary pricing program that operates through the combined efforts of the Workers’ Compensation Board-Alberta (WCB), Alberta Employment and Immigration, industry partners, safety associations, employers and labour groups. C.O.R stands for Certificate of Recognition; to attain your C.O.R you must complete an audit and meet or exceed the requirements of the standard.

When you achieve COR your company will be eligible to bid on the municipal, provincial projects and as an added bonus you will be eligible for WCB premium rebates. To help you, Safety Ahead Ltd. has developed Safety in a Box ®. The Safety Management Starter kit ensures that all forms, log books, and NCR booklets meet COR standard.

Safety in a Box ® is everything you need to set up and manage an effective safety program for your company. It is more than just booklets and forms; it is a process that includes documentation, implementation, communication and training. The Safety In A Box ® program is an excellent way to ensure your workplace is functioning efficiently in maintaining a safe work environment for your employees.

In addition to offering Safety in a Box ® , Safety Ahead Ltd., with over 32 years of direct experience in the construction industry and 25 years of experience in Safety Management, can guide you through the COR process, allowing your company to bid on those bigger and better jobs.

Safety In A Box ® is very user friendly and will save you many hours of developing forms, processes and implementation. If you need some assistance we are here to help, we offer a wide range of services to assist your company in developing an excellent Safety Management Program. Safety is an investment that benefits everyone.

Safety In A Box ® is an easy-to-follow process that makes your Safety Plan powerful, practicable and available for any size project. Contact us today at: 780-473-4772

The Safety In A Box ® starter kit comes complete with the field ready forms, cards, logbooks and user guide required to follow the OHS Legislation. Simply open the box, follow the user guide, and you’re on your way to a safer, healthier workplace.

Over the past several years Occupational Health and Safety Officers have been increasing worksite inspections. If your company is unfortunate enough to have received an order by an Officer it is very important that you comply with the order as soon as possible.

Companies that fail to comply with an order may be subject to a fine of $500,000 and/or six months in jail. This is enough of a fine to get anyone’s attention, in fact this is enough of a fine to put most companies out of business.

One of the best ways for a company to avoid prosecution is to show that you have demonstrated your “Due Diligence”. Defendants may be found not guilty if they can prove that due diligence was exercised.

Definition of Due Diligence

Employers shall, as far as it is reasonably practical for the employer to do so, take all reasonable precautions, under the particular circumstances, to prevent injuries or accidents in the workplace.

If your company has received an order it is very important that you act on it as quickly as possible. Safety In A Box ® has been developed so that all you have to do is open the box and start using it. The booklets, forms and cards are field ready, you can start using them immediately.

Trying to develop these forms yourself can be very challenging and costly. Using Safety In A Box ® will save you time and money. Using the Safety In A Box ® program provides construction related companies an easy way to promote safety and stay in compliance with the OHS record keeping and identification requirements.

Safety In A Box ® is a complete package that will help you to meet the OHS requirements and will give you everything that you need to set up and manage an effective safety program for your company. Simply open the box, follow the user guide, and you’re on your way to a safer, healthier workplace.

If you or your company is unfortunate enough to have received an order by an Officer from Occupational Health and Safety and it results in a fine, the government has developed some creative ways to implement those fines. Not only does the fine result in a payment to the government but several safety organizations and other relevant organizations may benefit as well. Excerpts from the article below published in 2008, shares some of the recipients of those benefits.

Alberta courts send a message while safety organizations benefit

Fines levied for contraventions of Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Act reached their highest total ever in 2007, reflecting a growing intolerance of unsafe workplace practices.

Twelve companies were fined a total of $1,720,000 in penalties, which topples the 2006 tally of $1,534,500. Of these penalties, $780,000 was ordered by the court to be paid to health and safety organizations as part of creative sentencing orders.

Recipients of these funds included STARS, Foothills Hospital Burn Unit, Canadian Home Builders’ Association, Threads of Life, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association, and St. John Ambulance.

“I’m pleased the courts continue to send strong, clear messages that workplace health and safety must be taken seriously,” said Iris Evans, Minister of Employment, Immigration and Industry. “Government, industry and labour must also continue to send their own clear messages that workplace health and safety is a priority and that senseless, preventable incidents simply won’t be tolerated.”

The Manufacturers’ Health and Safety Association was awarded $195,000 resulting from a 2003 incident at Westcon Precast in Calgary, and STARS Air Ambulance was awarded a total of $190,000 resulting from two incidents near Hinton and Edson in 2003.

The maximum penalty for a first offence under the OHS Act is $500,000 and/or six months in prison for each charge.

(Source: Alberta Employment, Immigration and Industry – “Backgrounder” January 11, 2008)

Once you have received an order, it is necessary to comply with that order so the charges do not escalate. The order will specify the section of the legislation that is in violation. It is then up to you to correct that violation. Sometimes this can be a daunting task. Safety In A Box®, in addition to the forms and booklets needed to meet legislation; also contains a User Guide. This User Guide (also available in CD) is a road map for meeting your obligations opposite OHS legislation. It explains in easy to understand terms the requirements, includes additional forms to manage your program and instruction on how to use the booklets

Safety In A Box ® helps companies understand and meet their health, safety and legal obligations as well as mitigate any potential liabilities. This innovative, affordable, field-ready product gives you the knowledge and resources to keep your small and medium job sites compliant and safe.

The Safety In A Box ® starter kit comes complete with the field ready forms, cards, logbooks and user guide required to follow the OHS Legislation. Simply open the box, follow the user guide, and you’re on your way to a safer, healthier workplace.



What’s Included

The Safety in a Box ™ Safety Management Starter Kit contains everything you need to set up and manage an effective safety program for your company.

Buy Safety-In-A-Box
($395 CAD + Shipping & Handling)

Logbooks and NCR Booklets

  • daily logbook
  • first aid logbook
  • site safety inspection
  • daily pre-job tailgate meeting
  • toolbox safety meeting
  • weekly site safety documentation
  • equipment operators daily log/pre-use inspection
  • project daily report
  • pre-project safety meeting
  • light duty vehicle log book

User Guide Safety Forms

  • safe work practice
  • job hazard analysis
  • safe job procedure
  • sample general safety rules
  • notice of non-compliance form
  • witness statement
  • emergency response plan form
  • emergency site plan form
  • evacuation report
  • WCB 123 poster
  • monthly safety summary
  • yearly safety summary
  • safety communication form
  • … and more

Folding Cards

  • caution card – hazard alert system
  • field level hazard assessment card (FLHA)

Buy Safety-In-A-Box


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Contact Us

 Safety Ahead Ltd.
 (780) 473-4772
 (780) 473-4717
Email Us

#201, 10404 66 Ave NW Edmonton
Alberta, Canada, T6H 5R6



 Safety Ahead

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