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Taking Safety Seriously at Home

  • 22 January 2020
  • Author: Safety Ahead
  • Number of views: 6213
Taking Safety Seriously at Home

At Safety Ahead we don’t just focus on workplace safety, but we think about how safety effects and should be applied to all aspects of life – this includes pets and children.

With two dogs of my own and a little one on the way, now more than ever I have been thinking about the safety of my home. There are a lot of things to consider, so to help you ensure your home is safe for everyone living there, read on to uncover some great health and safety tips for the ones you love the most!


For many of us, our pets are a member of the family – and my dogs definitely fall into this category. When it comes to providing them the most nutritious food, new toys or even having to cover a large vet bill, I do it without blinking an eye, but when it comes to every day safety there is more that can be done to ensure they are living a better and happier life.

  • Daily Walks and Cold/Hot Temperatures: With the frigid temperatures we experience every winter, we know that the only way to make it through it to bundle up – but what about your pets? To ensure they are safe on daily walks, consider proper winter attire, such as a sweater or coat and properly sized booties. When it comes to summer heat and walking your pet, be sure to watch that they don’t burn their paws on hot pavement – consider taking them for walks in grassed or shady areas, but be sure to keep watch for ticks and avoid heavily bushed and long grass parks. Also ensure they stay properly hydrated by bring them a water bottle and collapsible bowl.
  • Dog Parks & Other Interactions: For some pets, social interactions with other animals can be great fun for them – but you always want to keep them safe. Ensure they are up to date with their yearly immunizations and flea medication. And when at the park, never leave your pet unattended. Be sure to keep an eye on them and the other animals and people around them, as well as practise good recall so they you can get their attention back to you should a situation or danger arise.
  • Food that is Off Limits: For dogs, there are many human foods that are dangerous and even toxic for them. Be sure to keep these foods out of reach of your pet and if you think they have consumed any of these items and are showing signs is distress, get them to your vet or emergency after-hour vet hospital immediately.
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes or Raisins
  • Garlic or Onions
  • Apple Cores
  • Avocado
  • Medicine
  • Xylitol (sweetner)
  • Nuts
  • Alcohol
  • Chewing Hazards: For puppies, or even some adult dogs, chewing is a habit and pass time that can lead to some potential dangers. Be sure to provide your pet safe chew toys and avoid anything with small parts or that can break down easily and be swallowed. Avoid rope toys, as the strings can come off and be ingested – which can lead to blockages and wrapping around a pet’s intestines. Also be sure to check your home for any other potential chewing hazards, such as plugged in electronic cords, which can be tempting for dogs to chew and can lead to electrocution.


As my family prepares for a new baby, it has also been a great time to review my home’s safety and ensure everything is in place to make this the perfect place for our new addition to live and grow up in. Here are a few of the items to review in your home should you have children of your own or even children visiting.  

  • Electrical Safety: Ensure that the outlets in your home have protective covers on them, so no little hands can stick anything unwanted in them.
  • Cupboard and Door Child Safety Locks: Add locks to kitchen and bathroom cupboards that contain any sharp, glass or hazardous materials, so babies and children can’t access or ingest anything toxic. This includes making sure your medicine and liquor cabinets are also locked or inaccessible to children (and pets). And should you have tools, machinery, knives or weapons stored in your home, be sure they are kept in a locked room that children do not have access too.
  • Home Fire Safety: Whether you have children or not, you should always install and regularly test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in your home – a great time to remember to test them is to do it on the daylight savings weekends in the spring and fall. For extra precautions, having a home fire extinguisher on-hand could also help in the case of a small fire, and remember to never throw water on a grease fire.
  • Children & Pets: Be sure to teach your children to always exercise caution when around pets, even the family’s own – as an animal can bite at any time. Never leave your child unattended around a pet and teach them how to play safely with animals by not taking toys from them, their food from them, hitting or pulling them, as this can aggravate even the calmest of animal and cause them to act out or aggressively.
  • Exterior Home Safety: When it comes to the outside of your home, ensure pathways are kept clear of toys and debris, and in the winter be sure to sand walkways to avoid any slips and falls. If your children play in the backyard, keep them in a fenced and safe area and keep watch that gates are always closed and locked. Keep yard work tools and equipment in a locked shed or garage, away and out of children’s reach. And if you have a pool, never leave a child unattended while outside.

When it comes to home safety, it pays to be on top of it. If you have a member of your family on parental leave and at home with the children, this could mean you are down to only one income – so the health and safety of that one working parent is vital for your family’s livelihood.

If you can’t work due to an injury or incident it can make live not only difficult for you, but also for your family you are providing for. Take the time to ensure your home is safe for you and all of your loved ones, as well as always ensure you work safely – everyone is depending on you for it!

Safety Ahead, located in Edmonton, is here to ensure you work safe for yourself and your family. If you need assistance implementing a safety program contact us at info@safetyahead.ca or call 780-473-4772 today.


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