Every responsible workplace should have a Safety Advisor in place that is the keeper and go-to-person for everything safety. But what makes a good Safety Advisor? Your workplace Safety Advisor has been appointed with the responsibility of ensuring your workplace is one that is a healthy and safe environment for you to be in, along with providing all staff and contractors the basic knowledge and advice of where safety features and equipment can be found (such as fire extinguishers, eye-wash stations, AEDs, safety documents and more, what to do in an emergency and ensuring the workplace is kept up-to-date on hazard assessments and certifications.
A good Safety Advisor should ensure that all new staff have been properly advised and trained on safety procedures and should have a Safety Orientation Program in place to introduce new employees or contractors easily and efficiently to all the applicable safety information.
A good Safety Advisor should stay on top of all safety matters on the job, and ensure your safety records, documentation and assessments are up to date. They should also be involved should any safety incidents happen on the job as they need to investigate it.
A great Safety Advisor fosters a workplace culture of safety. They rally the troops and get them engaged and involved in safety. This can easily be done by creating buzz around topical and timely safety matters in the news or even notable dates, such as Emergency Preparedness Week, National Fire Prevention Week, Mental Health Week and more.
A great Safety Advisor celebrates a company’s safety wins with the entire team, such as no injuries or no near-misses, a COR certification, a reduction in time lost, and cost savings due to lack of safety matters. These are achievements that take a fully dedicated team to achieve and are not just attributed to the Safety Advisor.
Does your workplace have a Safety Advisor? Do they take safety to heart? Do you feel safe? Does your company take safety seriously? Should you or your team need help getting a proper safety program in place or if your Safety Advisor could use additional support, contact us at Safety Ahead – we’re here to help! Let’s make safety a priority and ensure your Safety Advisor is the right person for the job – after all we all want to go home safe.