Monday, February 24, 2025
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Working in Severe Weather

The Do's and Don'ts

Working in Severe Weather

30 / 30 Rule

If thunderstorms are in the forecast, re-assess your daily plan. Lightning can strike several kilometers away from the source of the storm. If you can hear thunder, the storm is not far from you. You are considered in the high danger zone if you are less than 10 kilometers away. To figure out how far away you are, use the 30 / 30 Rule:

  • When you see lighting, count the time until you hear thunder. If you can count up to 30 seconds or less than you must seek shelter immediately.
  • Do not resume any outdoor activities until you have waited at least 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder, .

You must ensure that the risk of a lightning strike has passed completely. It is very important to know what to do, and what not to do. It is a very bad idea to use a tree to protect yourself because electricity from the lightning strike could hit the tree, run down the trunk, passing through the roots and into the ground.



  • Stay clear of high ground and open spaces.
  • Seek shelter in a house, large building or motor vehicle. Keep windows and doors shut.
  • If you are in a flat, open field, assume the “lightning crouch”, bend down keep your head tucked to your chest or between your knees and put your hands on your knees. Maintain minimum contact with the ground (keep on the balls of your feet).
  • Keep yourself at least 15 – 30 meters (50 – 100 feet) apart from another person.
  • Avoid contact with metal. Stay at least 30 meters (100 feet) away from metal fences and take off shoes that have metal cleats.
  • Stay away from water, including lakes and puddles.
  • Stay sheltered until the storm is over, refer to the 30 / 30 Rule.


Do Not:

  • Don’t seek shelter under a tree, in a shed or in a small, open building.
  • Don’t lie on the ground.
  • Don’t use the phone or electrical appliances unless absolutely necessary.
  • Don’t use mobile phone outdoors during a lightning storm.
  • Don’t travel in a severe storm. If you are caught in your car, open the windows a bit and park the car off the road away from power lines.
  • Don’t try to finish your activity.


If you have any questions or would like Safety Ahead to develop a working in severe weather program call us today!


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